The terms of use at are very simple. We do not want to create a complex list of terms and conditions and thereby taking away the fun of interacting with people all around the world through our community.

Our site boasts of members from all over the world. Most of them do not have English as their first language. Therefore you have to understand that there can be misinterpretations of a seemingly simple sentence. Abusing someone of their lack of understanding only creates bad vibes throughout the community.

This behavior will not be tolerated and the user will be promptly banned from the community. Any abusive or profane language should be avoided and politeness should be adopted while interacting with other members of the site.

All the material on our site is copyright protected. You may share the content with anyone you like but you are forbidden from using it as your own and making is commercially available through any means. The content can be shared but the link structure should be maintained as it is and no changes should be made to the entire piece of content.

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